Take my COVID-19 Symptom Checklist online

Under Helpful Documents and Tools, you will find a paper-and-pencil version of my COVID-19 Symptom Checklist for download. Use this for cataloguing your symptoms and to help you communicate with your health care provider. Check out a new tool, the COVID-19 Symptom Tracker, that allows you to keep track of how your symptoms change day-to-day.

Here you have an option to fill out the same checklist online. Doing so will forward an anonymous and confidential response to my website. That information provided will help me study the different symptom profiles of this disease. My goal is to create and validate new screening tools to help determine likelihood of infection when testing is not yet available.

This checklist does not provide a diagnosis. Right now, only a COVID-19 test can do that. Gathering information about both symptoms and testing will help fill in gaps in our understanding of what COVID-19 looks like in the real world.

Take the Symptom checklist below if you are experiencing any symptoms that you think might be related to COVID-19. While the website host (WordPress) will register your identity using a cookie, no identifying information will be gathered by me. All I will see is a random number identifier created by WordPress. After I receive responses, I delete them and only keep a summary of the results. You will not be contacted if you fill out this form and none of your answers or information about you will be shared with anyone except for summary tabulation of results.

If you have questions or concerns about this tool, feel free to contact me by leaving a comment.

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